Friday 25 January 2013

Why are you barefoot when practising Judo?

Today, Hanyang University where Mannam Judo class run every Thursday were absolutly frozen and he mats were like icy due to no heating oil. We had to put on our shocks even thought its not proper way but, we could not play without them.  

Suddenly this question banged to my head. 

"Why are we barefoot when we do Judo?" 

Maybe the answer is just simple as a matter of safety and cleanliness.  


But, in order to be a real pro of Judo, I need to discover the fact in terms of history and lead you to think this because its fun! :D

So now I am asking again...  about why wearing socks are not allowed during the Judo time. 

Reason1. Most martial arts play in their barefoot. 

Reason2. In the earliest years, most people did not have shoes. Especially ancient Japanese were  removed the shoes at the door when entering home. 
Therefore, Judo is practised without shoes, since its indoor sports.   

Judo time 
Reason3. Judo should be practised on mats in a controlled environment. 

Dangerous moment! 

With wearing shoes or socks you could accidentally end up causing injuries to the opponent from the hard abrasive rubbing.    

NO Socks!

YES Barefoot!
( I know its not good smell~lol but be love one and other ;) ) 

Reason4. The advantage of barefoot is helpful for strengthens the muscles on your foot and grappling. Like Judo the feet should be used like a second set of hands as players have a crude ability to grasp. 

Therefore, barefoot are more pleasure for opponent in Judo. 

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