▶ Eunice's Interview ◀
1. 박성배 사부에 대해서 간단한 소개해주세요~
Tell us a little bit about yourself
저는 현제 영중초등학교에서 체육교사로 일을하고 있구요 만남 도전 유도팀에서 봉사활동을 하고 있습니다. 저의 가족은 어머니 큰누나 작은누나 형 있으며 모두 전주에 거주하고 있습니다. 또한 저는 2011년도에 결혼을 했습니다.^^
I’m currently a gym teacher at Youngjung Elementary school and volunteering as a Judo instructor with the Mannam Judo class. My family consists of my mother, two older sisters, and one brother all currently living in Junju. I also got married in 2011. 2.
2. 유도 시합하면서 제일 행복한 순간이 언제인가요?
When is the most happiest moment during your judo competitions?
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My most happiest moment during my judo competitions was in 5th grade. It was my first year when I entered a competition just after three months of starting judo. I was only a kid so i was very nervous. A friend of mine that did judo way longer than I have went to the next level and won judo players in the 6th grade. When he went up against me I won him and that’s when I started to get my head in the game. That day my mom and my instructor bought me the most delicious chicken! I will never forget that moment
3. 유도 생활하면서 아무한테 말을 안 했던 비밀은 무엇인가요?
What is one secret you never told anybody, generally regarding judo?
선수 생활 하면서의 비밀은요 주말에 외박을 받고 나가서 날을 새며 놀아도 라이벌에게는 놀지않은 척을 많이 했어요.^^;; 경쟁하는 친구에게 이러한 모습은 보여주기 싫었거든요^^;;
I used to be a nice boy just on the outside but I used to sneak out and hang outside all night.. I didn't want to show this side to my friends that had alot of respect for me!
4. 유도하는거에 처음부터 끝까지 항상 힘을 주고 서포트 해준 사람이 누구인가요?
Who is the one person that was your biggest support & fan from the very beginning?
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With his wife, ________ |
5. 유도 클레스에서 봉사하면서 제일 좋아하는 것이 무엇인가요?
What is your favorite thing about volunteering in judo?
저는 선수 생활 할 때에 시합에 나가서 나라가 다르고 언어가 달라서 친해지고 싶어도 친해질 수 가없었던 외국인들과 만남 도전 유도팀을 통해서 외국인이아닌 친구가 될수 있다는게 너무 좋아요. 아직도 대화는 잘 못 해요^^;;; 그런데도 서로를 아껴주고 사랑하는 것이 정말 좋아요. During my judo life when we would go overseas for competitions, I wanted to make friends with people of different languages. But I actually got the opportunity to do that right here in Judo. Even though I still can’t conversant well...but I really love that everybody cares for each other regardless.
6. 제일 좋아하는 여자배우/가수?
Who is your favorite actor/actress or singer?
솔직히 나이를 먹어서 그런지 요새 한국 걸그룹은 다 좋아요;;; 아저씨가 되었나봐요…ㅠ.ㅠ 여자배우는 한지혜라는 배우를 가장 좋아했었는데 결혼을 해서 그런지 요새는 티비에서 잘 볼 수가 없어요ㅜㅜ (저도 결혼은 했지만 ㅋㅋㅋ)
Honestly I think it’s because I’m getting old but I’m starting to like all girl groups. I’ve become an 'ajoshi'... my favorite actress is Han Ji Hye. But ever since she got married I haven't been able to see her on TV as much (Even though it’s probably because I got married haha)
7. 세상에서 제일 아끼는 것이 무엇인가요?
What is the one thing that you cherish the most?
저의 아내입니다. 4년이라는 시간동안 한달에 1번2번 밖에 볼 수 없었는데도 한결 같이 저를 지켜봐주고 기다려줘서 너무 고맙고 정말 평생 행복하게 해주고 싶어요.!! 그런데………그게 쉽지는 않내요…ㅋㅋ
My wife. During the 4 years of being together, I only get to see her once or twice every now and then but I’m so thankful that she’s been by my side patiently. I truly want to make her happy for the rest of our lives. But...it’s not easy haha